REC/REW 0.2.7 (at last... but not the least)

The complete chapter two is now online (downloadable version only) and that's pretty much all the good news I've got for today.

I am not satisfied with the way things turned out. Especially considering how much important this last part of the story arc is from the point of view of the entire game "economy". Its (supposed) scope would be to basically wrap the entire first arc of the story, setting up the stage for the next one and… well, I feel it does not work the way it should.

In a nutshell... I feel it's rushed. Characters could really benefit from having their specific arcs and backgrounds explored and expanded. This way their behaviour and actions would become much more understandable and meaningful - not that everything's hopelessly garbled (not more than what already is, of course)… right now I'd rather say the whole story sits in that strange purgatory where everything feels "understandable, but the author could have been done better". Like when you hear a teacher saying of his student, "the kid's smart but needs to apply himself." Ugh…

Incidentally that's one of the reasons why releasing this final part of M2 chapter took so long: I was torn between the desire to work on it - taking the basic ideas already there and expand them the way the deserve to - or publish everything as it is, for the sake of coming to a point where I can say "OK, I've done… something."

Well… looks like I opted for the latter, in the end. Which leads to the first line of this post: the second chapter of REC/REW is officially online.

Alas, this does not necessarily mean it's complete…

ps. hey! This likely is one of the shortest logs I ever wrote =P!

Files 636 MB
47 days ago
RECREW_M2-linux.tar.bz2 630 MB
47 days ago


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